It is the change in total cost from producing an additional unit of output. It is calculated as :  MCn = TCn-TCn-1

OutputTotal fixed costTotal variable costTotal costMarginal cost

Relationship between Average and marginal cost

  1. When AC decreases, MC is lower than AC.
  2. Both AC and MC can be calculated from Total cost.
  3. When AC rises, MC is greater than AC.
  4. MC cuts AC from below at the latter’s lowest point.

Relationship between Total cost and marginal cost

  1. Marginal cost can be calculated from Total cost through the formula,

MCn= Tcn-TCn-1.

  1. When marginal cost is increasing, total cost increases at an increasing rate.
  2. When marginal cost starts to decrease, total cost increases but at a decreasing rate.
  3. When marginal cost is at its minimum, the total cost stops to rise at a diminishing rate.

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