When revenue expenditure is greater than the revenue receipts of the government, it is called Revenue deficit.It does not include Capital receipt and capital expenditure.

Revenue deficit = Revenue expenditure – Revenue receipts.

Fiscal deficit

When budget expenditure is greater than the Budget receipts other than borrowings.

Fiscal deficit = Budget expenditure – Budget receipts other than borrowings.

Primary deficit

It is the difference between Fiscal deficit and Interest payment of the government.

Balanced Budget

A balanced budget is such a budget in which the government receipts are equal to government expenditures.

Balanced budget = Government receipt = government expenditure.

Unbalanced Budget

An unbalanced budget is when government receipts are not equal to government expenditures. It can be a Surplus budget or a Deficit budget.

Surplus budget

A surplus budget is when Government Receipts are greater than the Government expenditures.

Fiscal deficit = Government receipt > government expenditure.

Deficit budget

A deficitĀ  budget is when government Expenditure is greater than government Receipts.

Deficit budget = Government expenditure > government receipt expenditure.

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